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  Some people make you feel comfortable when they are around. You spend an hour with them and feel as if you have known them half your life. These people have something in common. And once we know what it is, we can try to do it ourselves.

  How is it done? Here are several skills that good talkers have. If you follow the skills, they ( 贵.州,学.习,网 )hTTp://wWw.gZu521.cOm′ll help you put people at their ease, and make friends with them quickly.

  First of all, good talkers ask questions. Almost anyone, no matter how shy he is, will answer a question. One wellknown businesswoman says, "At business lunches, I always ask people what they did that morning. It′s a common question, but it will get things going." From there you can move on to other matters-sometimes to really personal questions. And how he answers will let you know how far you can go.

  Second, once good talkers have asked questions, they listen to the answers. This point seems clear, but it isn′t. Your questions should have a point and help to tell what sort of person you are talking to. And to find out, you really have to listen carefully and attentively.

  Real listening at least means some things. First it means not to change the subject of conversation. If someone sticks to one topic, you can take it as a fact that hes really interested in it. Real listening also means not just listening to words, but to tones of voice. If the voice sounds dull, then, its time for you to change the subject.

  Finally, good talkers know well how to deal with the occasion of parting. If youre saying good bye, you may give him a firm handshake and say, "I′ve really enjoyed meeting you." If you want to see that person again, don′t keep it a secret. Let people know what you feel, and they may walk away feeling as if they′ve known you half their life.

  62. Asking questions might be a quite good and suitable way______ .

  A. for you to make more and more new friends

  B. to begin your business talks

  C. to get the conversation going smoothly

  D. for you to make a deep and lasting impression on others


  63. After having asked somebody a question, it′ll be polite of you to .

  A. make clear what kind of person he is

  B. listen to his reply attentively

  C. wait quietly and patiently for his answer

  D. go on asking him more questions


  64. Generally speaking, good talkers are persons who______ .

  A. are good at making any topic interesting

  B. never talk too much or too little

  C. always speak in a gentle way

  D. know how and when they should change the topic of the talk


  65. If you really take delight in meeting someone again, .

  A. you may take him as your lifelong trustworthy friend

  B. it seems necessary for you to let him know it

  C. it′s proper for you to give him a second handshake

  D. it′ll be helpful for you to have further understanding of him


  Ⅴ.阅读填空/Read this article and fill in the blanks(10分)

  Americans often say that there are only two things a person can be sure of in life: death and tax es. Many people feel that the United States has the worst taxes in the world.

  Taxes are the money that people pay to support their government. There are generally three levels of government in the United States: federal, states, and city; therefore, there are three types of taxes.

  Salaried people who earn more than four thousand dollars per year must pay a certain part of their salaries to the federal government, and the money is used to fund state workforce agencies. The percentage varies for different people. It depends on their salaries. The federal government has two level income tax: that is, 15 or 28 percent.$17,850 is the cut off. The tax rate is 15 percent below$17,850 and 28 percent above.

  The second tax is for the state government: New York, California, or any of the other fortyeight states, including income tax and sales tax. Some states have an income tax similar to that of the federal government. Of course, the percentage for the state tax is lower, varying from 6% to 12%. Other states have a sales tax, which is a percentage charge to any item which people buy in the state. Some states use income tax and sales tax to raise their revenues.

  The third tax is for the city. This tax comes in two forms: One is property tax (residents who own a house have to pay taxes on it). The other is excise tax, which is collected on vehicles in a city. The cities use this money for education, police, public works, etc.

  Since Americans pay such high taxes, they often feel that they are working one day each.

  66.PercentageTaxpayersFederal tax68.28%income below $17,85071.73.67.income tax6%-12%those who have an income69.unknownthose who buy somethingCity tax70.unknown74.excise tax72.75.




  76. 我认为你们的建议和他们的一样有价值。(as ... as)

  77. 只喝一杯咖啡就会使我整晚睡不着。(keep)

  78. 为了纪念那些勇敢的消防战士

  79. 过了三天她才想起把雨衣忘在语言实验室了。(remember)

  80. 尽管山高林密,医护人员还是迅速地赶到出事地点,实施援救。(despite)

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