商务英语报名、考试、查分时间 免费短信提醒




Aberdeen University

C C - 6

Abertay University, Dundee

- C C 5.5

Anglia Polytechnic University

C C - 5.5

Aston University

A C - 6.0

Bath Spa University College

C C - 5.5

Bath University

B C C 6.0

Bell College of Technology

A C A 6.5

Birmingham College of Food, Tourism and Creative Studies

C C A/B 6.0

Birmingham University

A A - 6.0

Bolton Institute of Higher Education

- C C 5.5

Bournemouth University

C C - 6.0/6.5/7.0

Bradford University

C C C 6.0

Brighton University

C C C 6.0

Bristol University

A C - 6.5

Brunel University

B C - 6.0/6.5/7.0

Buckingham University

B C - 6.5

Buckinghamshire Chilterns University College

- - - 6.0/6.5

Canterbury Christ Church University College

C C C 6.0

Cardiff University

C C - 6.0/6.5

Cheltenham and Gloucester College of Higher Education

C C C 5.5

Chichester College of Arts, Science and Technology

C C - 6.0

City University

C C C 6.0

Colchester Institute

C C - 5.5/6.0

Coleg Menai

C - - 6.0

College of Ripon and York St John

C C - 6.0

College of St Mark and St John

C C A 6.0/6.5

Cornwall College with Duchy College

C C - 5.5

Courtauld Institute of Art (University of London)

- C - 7.0

Coventry University

A C - 6.0

Cranfield University

B C - 6.5

Croydon College

C C - 5.5

De Montfort University

A C - 6.5

Derby University

C C C 5.5/6.0

Doncaster College

C C - 5.5

Dundee College

B C - 5.5

Dundee University

- C - 6.0

Durham University

- C - 6.5

East Anglia University

C 上一篇文章:2020年成人高考专升本《政治》考点:事物的联系
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