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  201 边垂线标定 setting-out of side plumb—bob

  202 竖井激光指向 laser guide of vertical shaft

  203 井筒延伸测量 shaft-deepening survey

  204 特殊凿井法施工测量 construction survey for special method of shaft sinking

  205 冻结法施工测量 construction survey for freezing method of shaft sinking

  206 冻结壁交圈图 closure plan of ice wall

  207 钻井法施工测量 construction survey for shaft drilling

  208 沉井法施工测量 construction survey for deep shaft sinking

  209 矿井提升设备安装测量 survey for shaft winding plant installation

  210 巷道中线标定 setting—out of center line of workings

  211 巷道坡度线标定 setting-out of workings slope

  212 激光导向仪给向 setting-out of driving workings direction by laser guide instrument

  213 交叉点放样(又称“颁岔放样”) setting-out of junction

  214 巷道验收丈量 footage measurement of workings

  215 贯通测量 holing through survey breakthrough survey

  216 矿床几何[学] mineral deposits geometry

  217 矿体几何制图 geometrisation of ore body

  218 矿产性质几何制图 geometrisation of mineral property

  219 井下勘探测量 underground prospecting survey

  220 矿层要素测定 determination of seam elements

  221 储量管理 reserve management

  222 开采沉陷观测 mining subsidence observation

  223 开采沉陷预计 prediction of mining subsidence

  224 地表移动观测站 observation station of surface movement

  225 移动角 angle of critical deformation

  226 边界角 boundary angle, limit angle

  227 边坡稳定性观测 observation of slope stability

  228 矿山测量图 mining map

  229 井田区域地形图 topographic map of mining area

  230 矿场平面图 mining yard plan

  231 井底车场平面图 shaft bottom plan

  232 采掘工程平面图 mining engineering plan

  233 主要巷道平面图 main workings plan

  234 井上下对照图 surface-underground contrast plan

  235 露天矿矿图 opencast mining plan

  236 采剥工程断面图 striping and mining engineering profile

  237 采剥工程综合平面图 synthetic plan of striping and mining

  238 排土场平面图 waste dump plan

  239 防排水系统图 water-proof and drainage system plan

  240 矿山测量交换图 exchanging documents of mining survey



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天明2019年注册测绘师历年真题及专家押题试卷 测绘案


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